Soulchology combines spiritual, holistic and psychological methods that explores your deeper existence for self connection, individuality, growth and fulfilment.

Who Are You?


Welcome To Soulchology

Since 2015, Soulchology has been offering spiritual, intuitive and therapeutic guidance, mediumship, coaching and mentoring for identity, emotional well-being and purpose.

Often referred to as Psychosynthesis, Psychospiritual or Transpersonal work, the emphasis is on creating a bridge between your psychological inner world and the spiritual path you navigate. Fusing 45+ years of both lived and professional experience with a range of modalities including Numerology, Natal Astrology, Tarot, Lenormand, and Trauma Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (TFACT), sessions are a confirming and compassionate blend for sustainable change that get to the root of your individual Life Path before addressing conscious and subconscious awareness.

Soulchology is proud to offer a calm space independent of the hustle culture, offering reciprocation, simplicity and trust. If you’re curious about the deeper aspects of your existence, want to make a difference, explore your experiences, individualism and path in life beyond systematic frameworks, you’re in the right place.

Know who you are to be who you are, and feel the difference.


I love how Alison infuses intuition and the spiritual world with science based evidenced models to help get to the root of current blockages, and provides the tools and guidance on how to make the changes that are needed at that particular time.
— Nadia Mohamad - Google Reviews

Alison Jeavons Home and About Pages Soulchology

I’m Alison Jeavons

I’m a professional intuitive specialising in Existentialism, a certified Coach, a Practitioner in Trauma Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (TFACT), plus qualified and experienced in a variety of other psychological, humanistic, spiritual and holistic models.

Rain drop on fern for Soulchology Home Page

Age 25 or under?

I provide 33% discounted sessions to empower and support young people on low income as I acknowledge the significance of investing in your potential to lead in your own way within a financially demanding society. Simply enter code RISEUP for Life Path sessions, or SOLACE25 for Mediumship Readings at checkout. No forms, no hoops, no evidence. However, it is crucial to be honest about your age because the very essence of my work is initialised by exploring your life path using your birth date and time, so accuracy and reciprocal energy is dependent on integrity.

Make a Difference

Supporting our young people is an investment into everyone’s future and gifts like yours help break down the financial and social barriers attached to getting help when it’s most needed.

I work alone, rarely clock-watch and give what I can when I can with what I have, which is the most anyone can do. When we give without expecting a return, we create a positive vibration. The act of giving is not purely about a physical exchange, but one of an energetic one that occurs when we give from a place of love and generosity. This is why gifting is always energetically rewarded; we get back what we put out into the world, whether through our actions or intentions.

We're all connected and we all need each other. If you would like to help me help others, know your support is thoroughly appreciated.

Underwood Typewriter for Stork Soulchology

Soulchology is on Substack

Subscribe freely on Substack for intuitive insights designed to inspire your path for self connection, individuality and transition for empowered living.

Alison at Soulchology has a wealth of knowledge under her belt and was very quickly able to ascertain which facets of her abilities were best suited to me in my time of need. We very quickly zeroed down on a few key things and I came away with clarity and direction of the path I am meant to take as well as strategies to keep me balanced, grounded and moving forward.
— Cindy Harris - via Google Reviews
